Legal information

Anti-Slavery and Ethical Supply Chain Statement

Slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking (collectively, “Slavery”) all have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. Slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Cascade Parent Limited trading as Alludo and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Alludo”) are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in our business dealings to prevent Slavery in Alludo’s business and supply chain.

Alludo’s Business

Alludo offers software solutions globally that provide our customers the ability to work where, when, and how they wish. Our software is now provided mostly through the web, meaning that our days of manufacturing hard copies of software, and therefore production of physical product, are almost fully behind us. In addition, Alludo’s workforce is a ‘remote first’ workforce, giving our personnel the flexibility and autonomy to work in a way that works best for them.

Environmental, social, and governance concerns are at the core of Alludo’s mission and purpose. For more information on Alludo’s ESG commitments, please visit here.

Alludo’s Suppliers

Alludo maintains a Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes a commitment to uphold human rights.

Suppliers to Alludo’s business undergo vetting prior to becoming a supplier to our business. This may include, depending on the type of product or service the supplier provides, a:

  • financial and security risk assessment
  • legal review of terms and policies

All Alludo suppliers undergo restricted party screening, which includes vetting against sanctions lists from the UN, US, and other geographies, as well as the human rights related lists from the US and other geographies where such information is available.

Alludo’s Employees

Employees at Alludo must acknowledge Alludo’s internal Code of Conduct, which includes the obligation to uphold Alludo’s commitment to respecting human rights and acknowledging an anti-slavery statement. Training regarding our Code of Conduct is offered to all employees of Alludo.

Those who work at Alludo are offered various avenues to report concerns around ethical supply chain management, including an internal Compliance team and a reporting platform operated by a third party. Alludo’s Audit Committee is responsible for the oversight of compliance and risk management controls.

Failure of Alludo employees to comply with the principles of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action against the non-complying employees, up to and including the termination of employment with Alludo.

This statement is reviewed annually and was last updated June 1, 2024.